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J. Bünemann, F. Gebhard, R. Thul, Landau-Gutzwiller quasiparticles, Physical Review B, 67, 31299 (2003)

R. Thul, M. Falcke, Release currents of IP3 receptor channel clusters and concentration profiles, Biophysical Journal, 86, 2660 – 2673 (2004)

R. Thul, M. Falcke, Stability of membrane bound reactions, Physical Review Letters, 93, 188103 (2004)

R. Thul, M. Falcke, Reactive clusters on a membrane, Physical Biology, 2, 51 (2005)

R. Thul, M. Falcke, Frequency of elemental events of intracellular Ca2+ dynamics, Physical Review E, 73, 061923 (2006)

R. Thul, M. Falcke, Building oscillations bottom up: elemental time scales of intracellular calcium dynamics, in Analysis and Control of Complex Nonlinear Processes in Physics, Chemistry and Biology, edited by L. Schimansky-Geier, B. Fiedler, J. Kurths and E. Schöll, (World Scientific, Singapore, 2007), pp. 293 – 324

R. Thul, M. Falcke, Waiting time distributions for clusters of complex molecules, Europhysics Letters, 79, 38003 (2007)

R. Thul, G. D. Smith, S. Coombes, A bidomain threshold model of propagating calcium waves, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 56, 435 – 463 (2008)

R. Thul, T. C. Bellamy, H. L. Roderick, M. D. Bootman, S. Coombes, Calcium Oscillations, in Cellular Oscillatory Mechanisms, edited by M. Maroto, N. Monk, (Springer, New York, NY, 2009), pp. 1 – 27

R. Thul, K. Thurley, M. Falcke, Torward a predictive model of Ca2+ puffs, Chaos, 19, 037108 (2009)

R. Thul, S. Coombes, G.D. Smith, Sensitisation waves in a bidomain fire-diffuse-fire model of intracellular Ca2+ dynamics, Physica D, 238, 2142 – 2152 (2009)

R. Thul, S. Coombes, Understanding cardiac alternans: a piecewise linear modelling framework, Chaos, 20, 19010 (2011)

M. Fink, S. A. Niederer, E. M. Cherry, F. H. Fenton, J. T. Koivumäki, G. Seemann, R. Thul, H. Zhang, F. B. Sachse, D. Beard, E. J. Crampin, N. P. Smith, Cardiac cell modelling: Observations from the heart of the cardiac physiome project, Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 104, 2 (2011)

M. D. Bootman, I. Smyrnias, R. Thul, S. Coombes, H. L. Roderick, Atrial cardiomyocyte calcium signalling, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1813, 922 – 934 (2011)

S. Coombes, R. Thul, J. Laudanski, A. R. Palmer, C. J. Sumner, Neuronal spike-train responses in the presence of threshold noise, Frontiers in Life Sciences, 5, 91 – 105 (2011)

S. Coombes, R. Thul, K. C. A. Wedgwood, Nonsmooth dynamics in spiking neuron models, Physica D, 241, 2042 – 2057 (2012)

T. Schendel, R. Thul, J. Sneyd, M. Falcke, How does the ryanodine receptor in the ventricular myocyte wake up: by a single or by multiple open L-type Ca2+ channels?, European Biophysics Journal, 41, 27 – 39 (2012)

K. Thurley, A. Skupin, R. Thul, M. Falcke, Fundamental properties of Ca2+ signals, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1820, 1185 – 1194 (2012)

R. Thul, S. Coombes, H. L. Roderick, M. D. Bootman, Subcellular calcium dynamics in a whole-cell model of an atrial myocyte, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109, 2150 – 2155 (2012)

R. Thul, S. Coombes, M. D. Bootman, Persistence of pro-arrhythmic spatio-temporal calcium patterns in atrial myocytes: a computational study of ping waves, Frontiers in Computational Physiology and Medicine, 3, 279 (2012)

M. D. Bootman, R. Thul, Calcium: A Local and Global Messenger in Cells, in Encyclopedia of Metalloproteins, edited by V. N. Uversky, R. H. Kretsinger, E. A. Permyakov, (Springer, New York, NY, 2013), pp. 493 – 499

K.C. Wedgwood, K. K. Lin, R. Thul, S. Coombes, Phase-amplitude descriptions of neural oscillator models, The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 3, 2 (2013)

R. Thul, Translating intracellular calcium signaling into models, Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 2014, pdb.top066266 (2014)

D. S. Barrack, R. Thul, M. Owen, Modelling the coupling between intracellular calcium release and the cell cycle during cortical brain development, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 347, 17 – 32 (2014)

M. Zachariou, R. Thul, Cannabinoid-mediated short-term plasticity in hippocampus, Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 37, 533 – 547 (2014)

R. Thul, K. Rietdorf, M. D. Bootman, S. Coombes, Unifying principles of calcium wave propagation — insights from a three-dimensional model for atrial myocytes, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research, 1853, 2131 (2015)

D. S. Barrack, R. Thul, M. Owen, Modelling cell cycle synchronisation in networks of coupled radial glial, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 377, 85 – 97 (2015)

W. Braun, P. C. Matthews, R. Thul, First-passage times in integrate-and-fire neurons with stochastic thresholds, Physical Review E, 91, 21953 (2015)

W. Croft, K. Reusch, A. Tilunaite, N. Russel, R. Thul, T. C. Bellamy, Probabilistic encoding of stimulus strength in astrocyte global calcium signals, Glia, 64, 537 – 552 (2016)

R. Thul, S. Coombes, C. R. Laing, Neural Field Models with Threshold Noise, The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 6, 3 (2016)

S. Coombes, R. Thul, Synchrony in networks of coupled non-smooth dynamical systems: Extending the master stability function, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 27, 904 – 922 (2016)

W. Braun, R. Thul, Sign changes as a universal concept in first-passage-time calculations, Physical Review E, 95, 5196 (2017)

W. Braun, R. Thul, A. Longtin, Evolution of moments and correlations in non-renewal escape-time processes, Physical Review E, 95, 21591 (2017)

A. Tilunaite, W. Croft, N. Russell, T. C. Bellamy, R. Thul, A Bayesian approach to modelling heterogeneous calcium responses in cell populations, PLoS Computational Biology, 13, e1005794 (2017)

S. Coombes, Y. M. Lay, M. Sayli, R. Thul, Networks of piecewise linear neural mass models, European Journal of Applied Mathematics , 29, 869 – 890 (2018)

M. Falkce, M. Moein, A. Tilunaite, R. Thul, A. Skupin, On the phase space structure of IP3 induced Ca2+ signalling and concepts for predictive modeling, Chaos, 28, 045115 (2018)

E. McIvor, S. Coombes, R. Thul, Three-dimensional spatio-temporal modelling of store operated Ca2+ entry: insights into ER refilling and the spatial signature of Ca2+ signals, Cell Calcium, 73, 11 – 24 (2018)

Y. M. Lai, R. Thul, S. Coombes, Analysis of networks where discontinuities and nonsmooth dynamics collide: understanding synchrony, European Physical Journal Special Topics, 227, 1251 – 1265 (2018)

J. Veasy, Y.M. Lai, S. Coombes, R. Thul, Complex patterns of subcellular cardiac alternans, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 478, 102 – 114 (2019)

Y. M. Lay, J. Veasy, S. Coombes, R. Thul, A master stability function approach to cardiac alternans, Applied Network Sciences, 4, 90 (2019)

M. Sayli, Y. M. Lai, R. Thul, S. Coombes, Synchrony in networks of Franklin bells, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 84, 1001 – 1021 (2019)

J. Powell, M. Falcke, A. Skupin, T. C. Bellamy, T. Kypraios, R. Thul, A statistical view on calcium oscillations, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 1131, 799 – 826 (2020)

Y. M. Lai, S. Coombes, R. Thul, Calcium buffers and L-type calcium channels as modulators of cardiac subcellular alternans, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 85, 105181 (2020)

S. Modhara, Y. M. Lai, R. Thul, S. Coombes, Neural fields with rebound currents: Novel routes to patterning, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 20, 1596 – 1620 (2021)

R. Thul, K. Conklin, D. J. Barr, Using GAMMs to model trial-by-trial fluctuations in experimental data: More risks but hardly any benefit, Journal of Memory and Language, 120, 104247 (2021)

K. Conklin, R. Thul, Word and multiword processing: cognitive approaches, in The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Psycholinguistics, edited by A. Godfroid, H. Hopp, (Routledge, New York, NY, 2022), pp. 203 – 215

M. Şaylı, A. C. Skeldon, R. Thul, R. Nicks, S. Coombes, The two-process model for sleep–wake regulation: A nonsmooth dynamics perspective, Physica D, 444, 133595 (2023)

S. Coombes, M. Şaylı, R. Thul, R. Nicks, M. A. Porter, Y. M. Lai, Oscillatory networks: Insights from piecewise-linear modeling, SIAM Review, 66, 619 – 679 (2024)

L. Cotgrove, R. Thul, K. Conklin, The Conversationality Index: A quantitative assessment of conversation in social media interactions, Journal of Internet Pragmatics (in press)

R. Thul, J. Marsh, T. Dijkstra, K. Conklin, Stratified Distributional Analysis – a Novel Perspective on RT Distributions, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (in press)

